SGI is changing the way you complete your Class 7 learner's exam in high school driver education. It can now be done on a computer! To make this happen, you will need to visit a licence issuer with identification before the day of your test to obtain an SGI customer number. A customer number and email address is required to activate your MySGI account. This can be done well in advance - the sooner the better!
Step 1 - Obtain an SGI Customer Number
You can do this by visiting your local motor licence issuer or any SGI motor vehicle branch office:
- You will need a minimum of two pieces of original identification to establish your full legal name, complete date of birth and signature (e.g., Canadian birth certificate/Canadian passport and Saskatchewan health card).
- Don't forget to provide an email address which is needed in Step 2.
- You will be given a Personal Identification Document. Do not lose this. You will be required to provide this to your driving instructor.
If you have SGI photo ID, you already have an SGI Customer Number and will only need to ensure you have an email address on file with SGI. An email address is required to activate your MySGI account. To add this information you can call or visit your local motor licence issuer or call the SGI Customer Service Centre in Regina (306) 775-6900 or toll free 1-800-667-9868.
Step 2 - Register for MySGI
- Make sure you have added an email address to your customer profile. An activation code will automatically be sent to your email account. You will use this code to set up your MySGI account.
- Register for a secure online account by going to and select the Register button. (Note: link is not mobile browser compatible at this time)
- Select I have an activation code.
- Select Submit.
- Enter your customer number and your activation code, then select the Submit button.
- Create a username and password and Submit.
- Review and accept the Terms of Use. (You will be required to search and select a motor licence issuer of your choice. We recommend searching by city or postal code.)
- Welcome to MySGI!
At the time of your learner's exam you will be required to log into your MySGI account with your username and password. From there, you will access the testing application. Features of computerized testing include: coloured graphics clarifying each question, immediate feedback after each answered question (correct or incorrect) and immedicate scoring (pass or fail). If, for whatever reason, you do not wish to set up a MySGI account, computerized testing would not be an option for you. In this case a paper exam will be provided.