
The 15 dedicated staff members of the math/science department provide students with instruction in a variety of different math and science disciplines at a variety of different levels.

Is Math your thing? Our pre-Advanced Placement Math and Advanced Placement Calculus courses will allow you to challenge yourself and earn University credit while still in high school.

Maybe you are more interested in science and technology. Our Physical Science, Health Science and Environmental Science programs offer a focus on lab and inquiry experiences. The Yorkton Regional High School is also one of only two schools in the province to offer an Aviation course.

One of the things we take pride in as a department are some of the opportunities that allow students to enrich their math and science learning experiences. We participate annually in national math competitions and physics competitions. We have also had groups of students travel to the Canadian Light Source in Saskatoon to participate in authentic scientific research.


For teacher assignments and contact information for Math / Science teachers, please view our Staff List.


There are several different pathways a student can take within Math and Science.  The following chart illustrates the pathways:

Math and Science Pathways

For more information about Math / Science courses, please see our Course Catalog.